Tuesday, October 31, 2006


You'd think that as someone who has had to do some sort of exam at least every three weeks of one's adult life I would have learned my lesson by now. But no. Here I am at fucking two in the morning rewising for my BMAT and wishing I had been more regular. "Small bits over a long period of time..." the whinny voice on my shoulder cries, "... is all it takes!" Fucker.
Kablargh. What's especially bad is running into material I have studied since my I first got zits and still not remembering it. For instance, I knew the resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and inversley proportional to its cross sectional area. Hell I used to be able to derive the fucking formula! But noooo at the opportune moment Manu Gupta has to forget this minor detail.
Man... maybe I should call it a night, get my rest and hope for the best. I keep telling myself this test is just one factor in a whole plethora of details that go into a med school application. I have been revising these past few months, don't get me wrong, but it just wasn't enough. It never fucking is. Oh well, all's well that ends in a well.

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